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Seven Reasons Why Devout Catholics Visit Israel
February 21, 2019
Israel is a country with an abundance of religious and cultural sites, making it a popular destination for travelers seeking to explore the history and heritage of the region. Among the many religious sites in Israel, there are few that are more fascinating and awe-inspiring than the many Catholic churches and chapel where the devout gather to pray and worship. From the ancient city of Jerusalem to the serene shores of the Sea of Galilee, these churches serve as a testament to the enduring faith and rich cultural heritage of the Catholic community in the Land of Israel. Let's review the seven main reasons why Catholic pilgrims visit these churches with Ascend Tours.‍
Ten Important Insights for a Successful Pilgrimage to Israel
February 21, 2019
As a devout Catholic, attending Mass while on pilgrimage can be an important part of your trip. If you're planning a visit to Israel, there are many opportunities to attend Mass and connect with your faith in a unique and meaningful way. Here are some practical tips and information for Catholics who want to attend Mass while in Israel, including local customs and cultural considerations.
Why Do Catholics Travel To Israel?
February 21, 2019
The significance of Israel to Catholics dates back to the Old Testament, where many of the stories and teachings that form the foundation of Catholicism took place. For example, the city of Jerusalem is home to the Western Wall, which is considered to be the last remnant of the ancient Jewish Temple that Jesus visited many times, and that is revered by both Jews and Christians. Additionally, many of the prophets and spiritual leaders of the Old Testament stories, such as Abraham, Isaac, Samson, Samuel, and King David lived, walked with God, and carried out their missions in Israel.
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